Monday, May 2, 2011


The BlueFin Tuna
“Overfishing occurs when fish are caught faster than what they can reproduce” (Overfishing on The Grid, 2004) in 2002, 72% of the worlds fishing resources were being harvested faster than they could produce, one fourth of the total catch was being wasted which is roughly 27 million tones. According to the United Nations 47% of global fish stocks are completely lost with no hope of recovery from these fish; a further 18% are being over-exploited. As harvests shrink and undersized fish are caught the price of fish continues to rise, making it less affordable to low-income communities (Overfishing on The Grid, 2004). If overfishing continues at the rate it is now everybody in the fishing industry will be out of business by 2048 (Campaign to combat overfishing on Business-ethics, 2011).

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